Get to Know Your Danger_Slater

the world's most flammable novelThere’s an interview with Danger_Slater up at Hampton Reviews. You should read it. Read it now.

I’m from a town called Hopatcong in northeast New Jersey. It’s small and hilly and there’s a big lake in the center of it. What I love most about New Jersey is that everybody acts like Snooki and The Situation all the time. Even me. I’m actually fist-pumping right now. Over time, I’ve learned to type quite proficiently with one hand. Now if you don’t mind, I would like to use this public forum to officially proclaim my undying admiration and thanks to MTV and the entire cast of Jersey Shore for so accurately portraying my state to the rest of America. Good job, guys. I’m so fucking proud of all of you.

The full interview is here. And you can buy Danger’s LOVE ME here.

A Week of LOVE ME

the world's most flammable novelHi. Welcome to Tuesday, August 16, 2011. Love Me, by Danger_Slater, has been out for a week now, so I think it’s safe to assume you’ve bought it, read it, and loved it. Right? Right. Good.

“But, uh, now what?” you’re probably asking.

Well, now you get other people to buy it, read it, and love it for their own damn selves. Danger has authorized the use of deadly force to accomplish this, but we’ve got a couple other options you might want to try first.

First, you should leave reviews of Love Me at your online retailer of choice. Or Goodreads. Or on your blog. Or scrawled above a urinal. Get the word out about the book is what we’re saying. Just make sure they’re good words.

Here is a handy flyer to help you in your goals. Print it out and stick it places. Colleges, bookstores, coffee houses. If you own a small plane, rain it down on unsuspecting pedestrians. It’ll be awesome.

Second, enter the giveaway for a free copy of Love Me on Goodreads.

I’m not actually certain how giving shit away for free helps sell more copies, but you should enter anyway. And then tell your friends. Because everyone can afford free.

LOVE ME Two Times

the world's most flammable novelOK, one more reminder that Love Me, the world’s most flammable novel, by Danger_Slater, the world’s most flammable writer, IS ON SALE NOW! Just in case you slept through yesterday. No judgement. It happens.

Anyway, you should buy Love Me. In an effort to facilitate that, here are some handy links:

Buy the paperback from Amazon.
Buy a Kindle copy.
Buy some other kind of digital copy from Smashwords.

Spread them around. Tell your friends, tell your enemies. Tell that dude on the bus with the iPad. He’s clearly got money to burn. And, really, why burn money when you can use it to buy books?

Read an excerpt of Love Me here, if you like, and then, you know, buy it. That’s kind of the point we’re trying to make, in case it wasn’t obvious.