Issue Nineteen now online!

In college, my creative writing class was told to read The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka.  I don’t actually remember what the point of the assignment was, but I do remember finding the novella incredibly boring.  So I said so.  I couldn’t understand why anyone would focus on the mundane quite so much, especially when the main character had just turned into a frigging bug.

Fortunately, our Assistant Assistant Editor, Stephen Schwegler, was in that same class and ready to set me straight.  He gave a rousing speech explaining how the mundane was, in fact, anything but.  It was in the miniscule details that we could envelop ourselves in the story; it was the boring stuff that made it possible to connect with a giant man-roach.  Mr. Schwegler brought the class to tears and changed my reading habits irrevocably.

Or, possibly, he just threw something at me and called me an idiot.  We may never know for sure.

Regardless of how events actually played out, the conversation was eerily prescient, somehow foretelling this very issue of Jersey Devil Press.  The five stories herein – by Henry Sane, Autumn Hayes, Steven Gumeny, Matt Rowan, and Andrew S. Williams – have taken it upon themselves to embrace the mundane – whether it’s reading, cheese, or a positively Gregor Samsa-like work ethic – in the face of the decidedly not mundane.  And that’s the beauty of it, really.  It’s in that nothing, in the conversations and the day-to-day routines of con artists and security guards alike, that everything happens.

Huh.  Guess I did learn something in college after all.  Thanks, Steve.

If you want to learn something too, or just read some kick-ass short fiction, then click here for Issue Nineteen. Or click here for the for .pdf version.

Album of the Year

Another year down, another pterodactyl not punched. I’ve had the same resolution for years now, but it never gets any easier to keep it.

Anyway, if you’re likewise feeling retrospective (or just hungover) you’d do well to re-read Gavin Broom’s excellent “Album of the Year,” from back in our eighth issue.

Speaking of Gavin and new issues, be sure to check out the second installment of his Waterhouse Review, including a story by yours truly. And — if you somehow missed it in the craziness that’s been the last few weeks — don’t forget that the newest issue of Jersey Devil Press is also up now.

Yes, it’s a lot of reading, but I have faith in you. Happy 2011.

P.S. We’ll be reopening submissions on Monday, January 3rd. Just sit tight ’til then.

Where Are They Now?

December’s shaping up to be a busy month for past Jersey Devil Press contributors, so let’s get right to it.

Tom Mahony’s debut novel, Imperfect Solitude, was released last week by Casperian Books. It follows Evan Nellis, a neophyte biologist, as he navigates a brutal new job, a neurotic mother, his father’s mysterious death, an eccentric friend, a couch, some killer waves, and the wealthy developer that throws it all into conflict. You can find out more about the book — including an excerpt and reviews — on the Casperian Books site.

Over at Red Fez, a trio of our finest contributors has shown up with some new work. Navigate your way over there to find stories by Ally Malinenko, Danger_Slater, and Craig Wallwork.

Issue Ten of > kill author houses another trio, with truly magnificent shorts by Annam Manthiram and Micah Dean Hicks, and poetry by Noel Sloboda.

And let’s not forget about Mark-Anthony Taylor and TTA Press’s Advent Calendar. Each day from the 1st to the 24th of December, they link to a story on another website by one of their contributors in order to help out the writing community. A solid idea, and I’ve been enjoying what I’ve been seeing so far.

I think that’s it. For now, anyway.