From the inimitable Ryan Werner and Our Band Could Be Your Lit:

In a special guest post, the greatest band ever meets the editor of the greatest lit journal ever, with deadly results. Sittin’ In: “Double or Nothing” by Jersey Devil Press editor Eirik Gumeny, as based on the song “Waiting For An Alibi” by Thin Lizzy.

I generally don’t post things about my own writing, but I haven’t pimped out OBCBYL in a while so I feel justified. (Seriously, if you haven’t sent him a song yet, do it. Just a song title and a band name and then Ryan will work his magic on it.) Also, Thin Lizzy really is the greatest band of all time.

Reminder: Monkeybicycle Reading

Just a reminder that Monkeybicycle is holding Round One of their Lightning Round! Reading Series tomorrow at KGB Bar in New York City.

I’ll be reading, along with nineteen other writers, so you’re guaranteed to like something. And even if you don’t, it’s at a bar. It’s not like you weren’t going to drink away your Friday night anyway. You might as well do it with friends.

Bananafish Editor Editions

Our friends over at Bananafish recently began a series of Editor Editions: short fiction written by magazine editors in the style of their particular magazine. I don’t think it’s too much to call it an ingenious alternative to an editor interview.

They invited me to take part and I jumped at the chance. You can find my short, “Last Minute,” here.

There’s a short blurb there about what we look for in a story, too. But, as always, descriptions only go so far. That’s the beauty of these Editor Editions. We can tell you want we want, sure, but it’s a lot more helpful to just show you.

Although you should still totally read the submission guidelines. Let’s not get crazy here.