The June Issue Is Here!

DeathThere’s no way to sugar-coat our fifty-fifth issue, other than printing it out on edible paper, dipping it in chocolate, and decorating it with rainbow sprinkles. (Will someone please get on that?)

These speculative stories deal with some pretty heavy themes, and the Grim Reaper wields his scythe like a paranoid and highly-caffeinated Jedi’s light saber throughout. That being said, for an issue with so much death, we think you will find a surprising number of life-affirming moments, or at least interesting new ways of thinking about the end. Three of the stories are set in the future, and one is set in the afterlife. Sort of.

Read it online or download the .pdf. Make sure you check out the lovely cover art, too.

Last Call for Legendary Creatures Submissions!

KrakenThere’s been a great response to our call for submissions for the upcoming Legendary Creatures issue, but we still have plenty of room for more stories and poems, so if it has fur, feathers, scales, slime, and/or a shiny exoskeleton, send it our way! We are particularly interested in finding one or two more flash fiction pieces to include. Check out the full guidelines, then submit.

For inspiration and a sense of our peculiar tastes, see one or more of our previous special issues (e.g., the Lovecraft Issue, the Novella Issue, the Poetry Issue.) The deadline is midnight on June 1.