Issue Sixty, November 2014

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Birth of A Surrealist, Alina Stefanescu
“not much surreal / about trenches and guns / or corpse v. carcass”

Bitches Be Like 5 Seconds, Dave Petraglia
“Grab baggage that ain’t yours from the carousel. Just because you fly Coach don’t mean you can’t put you fingers on some every now and then.”

Two Poems, Rachna Kulshrestha
“natural gaps in her teeth hold / cigarettes, pipes, betel leaves”

The Right Bait, Lawrence Aron
“His fishing gear was his constant companion, strapped to his battered Schwinn. His coworkers made fun of him for it, usually behind his back where they thought he couldn’t hear. But Buggy had very good ears, probably to make up for what he didn’t have between them.”

We Burn the Formal Scarecrow, Catherine Weiss
“Cries of pitied shock ring out from we / Who watch this show, so fiery.”

Butterfly Loop, Filip Wiltgren
“A step, a flash, and she drops the core in Saxon England. Two hundred years later a grove will grow here. In Cromwell’s time a highwayman will be hung from one of the branches. The highwayman’s children will never be born.”

Cover art: Elephant Head, Chris Paulsen

2 thoughts on “Issue Sixty, November 2014

  1. Pingback: NaNo(Re)WriMo: the next several days | Samuel Snoek-Brown

  2. Pingback: Butterfly Loop available in issue 60 of Jersey Devil Press « Wiltgren Media

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