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hinky man, Natasha Burge
“he was the hinky man / bowlegged and metal-toothed / toenails of a vagabond saint / riptide feral and freaked”
The Banana Festival, Cecilia Aragon
“There’s a certain scent the humidity squeezes from the gnarled old peach trees in our orchard at this time of year. Before I was nine I could tell almost to the day when Mama would disappear.”
Tiny Gods, Eric Fisher Stone
“Bacteria fulfill the mystery / of my flesh. I bequeath myself / to meekest inheritors, to mites”
Queen of the Moon, Emery Ross
“Collette’s eyes start to feel tired from all the looking. She remembers how, when they walked on the winding paths towards coffee shops and garages, the geese regarded them with deference. She understood then that the geese knew everything.”