Beautiful Mite

Hannah V. Warren



Uninhibited, she swims
deeper than sand. When she sings,
I hum her rhythm and sink softly
after her chords, weaving
in the woman’s easy thrum.
If she is infamy, I want to quit
this bare-bristle burning.
I feel a turning point
pushing me over the ship’s
side, tossing me into/out of
waves. She plucks at my thighs,
inching beneath my skin
and pulling away molecular strands.
I don’t remember if I turned
in on myself or if she folded
me into a tight, red pocket square.





HANNAH V. WARREN is an MFA student at the University of Kansas and serves as the poetry editor for Beecher’s Magazine. Her works have appeared or will soon appear in Soundings East, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, and Spirit’s Tincture. She often writes about death but hopes never to experience it.