Expectation Nightmares

Yash Seyedbagheri

every night,
I’m in a car
and I’m cruising faster and faster
the steering wheel is impotent
like rubber
and the horns blare
among all the exhaust
faster, faster, faster

and I’m at a party
where mustaches bear into me 
telling me what to say, how to do it,
but I have to go to the bathroom
one jiggle of a toilet handle
and the room explodes
with only the frowns left
in the dust-covered clouds
I can’t even flush 


YASH SEYEDBAGHERI is a graduate of Colorado State University’s MFA fiction program. His stories, “Soon,” “How To Be A Good Episcopalian,” “Tales From A Communion Line,” and “Community Time,” have been nominated for Pushcarts. Yash’s work has been published in SmokeLong Quarterly, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, Write City Magazine, and Ariel Chart, among others.