The Kites All Turned to Animals in the Air, Allen Seward
“The sky above is green and the few splotches of clouds present are gray—they look like cotton swabs that have been pulled apart and left on the floor behind the trashcan for too long. They’ve gone dirty. They’ve taken on the color of death.”
Precipitant, Rob Tyler
“Phil worked hard and played hard and drank hard and died hard when his heart burst as he crossed his kitchen floor barefoot, in boxers, a bowl of rum raisin ice cream in hand.”
haiku, Randy Brooks
“yellow belly catfish / zombie / turtles nibble on”
Familiar Territory, Peter Hoppock
“The air is thick, but breathable. Your arms and legs push through it like water. You are fully aware of this anomaly—air cannot be this gelatinous and be breathable. Colors mix, then separate to reveal the magical nature of light.”
Cover art: Goat with Boy, Gimal Udara