The Satanic. Satan Sowing Tares

Felicien Rops



“The Satanic. Satan Sowing Tares” (1882), by Felicien Rops (public domain)



FELICIEN ROPS (1833-1898) was a Belgian printmaker, and illustrator know for his work illustrating poems. Playing primarily with themes of sexuality, motality, and the darker sides of religion, hizs work eventually inspired artists like Edvard Munch. This lithograph, from his 1882 series Les Sataniques, illustrates a Biblical parable, imagining Satan planting evil in a European city.

Born on the 5th of July

JDP cover July 2017Pop them tabs (or bust out them bottle-opener keyrings, if you only drink craft brews named after local landscape features), throw something on the grill, and kick back with our ninety-first issue. It’s got tricksy wordplay and trusty appliances. It has short-form sci-fi poetry. It also has a tentacular Christmas story, because we don’t adhere to society’s rigid and confining seasonal norms. And remember: in space, no one can hear you float.

Slap it online or tickle the .pdf.

P. S. You’ve got until Friday’s end to send us your Victorian mash-ups in prose or verse!


The Incident Above Delta Vega

Frank Casey


“The Incident Above Delta Vega,” by Frank Casey

“The Incident Above Delta Vega,” by Frank Casey



FRANK CASEY is an artist and art teacher from Tacoma, Washington. He grew up on a diet of comic books, classic Doctor Who, and Surrealist art. His current project, Incompletely Peculiar, is a series of Steampunk and Retro Sci-fi images for coloring and fiction inspiration. His work can be found at

Frank prefers Marvel over DC, cats over dogs, and Star Trek over Star Wars—sorry, but it’s just the plain truth.