Dead Reclining

Darin Forrest

"Dead Reclining," by Darin Forrest

“Dead Reclining,” by Darin Forrest


DARIN FORREST is a tattooist and artist in Tacoma, Washington. He has been tattooing for over fifteen years, thirteen of which in Tacoma. He has two children, eighteen and fifteen. When he’s not tattooing, he enjoys drawing, painting, and multimedia projects. Images of his tattoos and other art are available at and on Instagram at @defrost1974.

November Me, When the West Wind Blows . . .

jdp-nov-2016-coverThe pieces in our eighty-fourth issue are beautiful and brimming with power. Pull up a cushion and prepare to read your future in this misfit tarot deck of wonders: KC Mead-Brewer’s Ravenous Hyena, Caleb Echterling’s Singing Peacock, Lisha Ruan’s Enchanted Meat, Rachael Sterling’s Vial of Forgetfulness, and Jane-Rebecca Cannarella’s Chicken of Mystery. There’s also a wild card in the form of a Mystic Spiral, courtesy of cover artist Coyle Parker.

Shuffle it online or draw the .pdf.

The One That Got Away

Coyle Parker


"The One That Got Away," by Coyle Parker

“The One That Got Away,” by Coyle Parker



Driving past a brown house that sat in the middle ground of the main strip in Redmond, OR COYLE PARKER (in child form) fantasized about his career as an inventor. He grew up making plans to build wooden robots and attempted a WWII replica out of Popsicle sticks. He later won best-looking car in the pine wood derby (with a little help from his brother), and won a blue ribbon for best original artwork at the Oregon State fair in High school. His desire to create something from nothing never died and his vision to have a career as an inventor came to life but in the form as a visual artist. The now all grown up, Coyle Parker resides in New Orleans, LA. Here he has developed greatly as an artist and has moved from the kitchen slanging food to the streets slanging art. There is no other place that Coyle would rather be than engulfed in the richness of culture, diversity, and overflow of spirit that New Orleans offers. His work is at