
Octavia Hunter

"Forgotten," by Octavia Hunter

OCTAVIA HUNTER, an award-winning photographer, received her BFA degree from the Film Department at the University of Oregon. In high demand for her portrait, wedding and food photography, she is based in Portland, OR as well as traveling all over the United States and abroad. Devoted to the environment and healthful living, Octavia made a bold move in 2011 and traded in her car for a bicycle and has immersed herself in viewing her city through a new, less-rushed perspective, one that allows photographic opportunities at every turn.

Combining stop motion animation has allowed her to blend art forms beyond the still, and she is currently a film Director of Photography, working on an interactive portrait series and book, titled Letting Go, and an awards ceremony in New York. Her website is

Sword Fight

Jon Snoek

"Sword Fight," by Jon Snoek

JON SNOEK is a bearded hippie from Texas who sometimes makes stop-motion animated films, which you can find at But most days he’s a painter whose next-door neighbors are goats. “Sword Fight” is a painting from his illustrated book Mr. Bots.