A Bucketful of Crazy

extinction is for chumpsHere we are, less than a week away from the official release of Eirik Gumeny’s Exponential Apocalypse: Dead Presidents. That’s less than a week to get in your pre-orders! You don’t want to have to just regular-order it, do you?

For those of you on the fence, let us assure you, this is the single greatest book written by Eirik so far these year. But don’t take our word for it. Take the word of some other stranger on the internet:

“This book is a bucketful of crazy and I enjoyed every minute.”

That’s right, the first review of Dead Presidents can be found here. And if that’s not enough to convince you to buy a copy, well, we just don’t know what is.

Apocalypse Now-ish

Timmy the Super-Squirrel Rises

Have you read the free online preview of Eirik Gumeny’s hotly anticipated sequel, Exponential Apocalypse: Dead Presidents?

Have you read the sixteen (as in way more than he could’ve had his friends plant) great reviews of the original Exponential Apocalypse over at Amazon?

Have you read the first Exponential Apocalypse yet, so you’ll be primed and ready to dig into EA2 without confusion?

What about “Great Balls of Fire,” the bonus EA-universe serialized short story he’s posting over at his site?

Then what you are waiting for?! Get reading!

Books! They’re Like the Internet in 3-D!

Because everything's better in 3-D.

Books! They have tangible mass!

Books! You can turn the pages!

Books! They’re like the Internet but with fixed starting and ending points. And a third dimension!

Books! It’s what all the cool kids will be stuffing in their backpacks this fall!

And we’ve got ‘em! Coming July 31st, it’s the most anticipated sequel this summer not involving the word “Rises.” Eirik Gumeny’s original Exponential Apocalypse was the defining text for a certain sub-segment of one element of part of a generation and now he’s done it again. Exponential Apocalypse: Dead Presidents drops at the end of the month but you can read a free preview online now.

But wait…we’ve got more amazing printed material. The New Yorker says of Ryan Werner…well, The New Yorker has never said anything about Ryan Werner but that’s only because The New Yorker kinda sucks ass. (Well, maybe the cartoons. But the incessant capitalization of “The” every time you say the title? Seriously?)

Anyway, we’re here to tell you Ryan’s a one-man inferno of awesomeness and (seriously) one of the most important flash fiction writers out there today. Which is why we’re so damn excited to be publishing his first collection this September. Check out “Wide Right Game” in the current issue of JDP for a taste of what’s in store from Shake Away These Constant Days. Then head over to his blog and tell him how excited you are for his book.

Because books rock. In 3-D! With covers that close and open!