Notable Notes of Noteworthiness

We want to give a quick congratulations to Mike Sweeney, Hilary Gan, and Chloe Caldwell, all of whom had their stories selected as storySouth Million Writers Award Notable Stories. Here’s hoping we’re lauding you again in a few weeks when the top ten are released.

And we’d also like to give an even quicker congrats to Jersey Devil Press for being a runner-up for best new magazine. Woo! Thanks, everyone, for helping with that.

Million Writers Award

It’s officially March now, so let us remind you that our March issue is online and begging to be read.

Speaking of March and things you need to read, it’s storySouth Million Writers Award nomination time. This year, we split up the nominations, each of us picking one story, instead of communally choosing. Don’t know that it made a difference, though. I think these three stories would have been at the top of everyone’s list. In any event, here we go:

Monica’s nomination: “That Was Called Love” by Chloe Caldwell
Steve’s nomination: “The Pragmatist” by Hilary Gan
Eirik’s nomination: “Captain Neptunium and Lady U-boat” by Mike Sweeney

And, as always, individual readers can nominate their own favorites that the editors might have missed. Because three is just too damn small a number.

Pushcart Prize Nominations

We’re working hard on Issue Fifteen, and the Holiday Half-Issue, and, well, Issue Sixteen, too, but we still managed to mail out our Pushcart Prize nominations just under the wire. We had good reason to procrastinate, though, as two of the nominated stories came from Issue Fourteen.

Without further ado:

Run Away” by Z.Z. Boone
Big Girl” by yt sumner
Out of Steampunk and Zombies Comes Bruce Lee” by Jenny Ortiz
Album of the Year” by Gavin Broom
The Pragmatist” by Hilary Gan
That Was Called Love” by Chloe Caldwell

We’d also like to give a special mention to Caitlin Campbell’s “Honesty Spree.” It was magnificent, but was originally published elsewhere last year, so we didn’t feel right laying claim to it.

Anyway, good luck to the authors above, and we love you to all the others. We are fans of everything we publish here, but, sadly, we aren’t allowed to nominate all our stories for every award. Believe us, though, we would if we could.