Technical Difficulties

We know you’re expecting a new issue, but we’re going to ask you to buck up and wait a few more days.

Real life, the end of the school year, and efforts by at least one of our editors to get named interim Senator from New Jersey have combined to set us back. So try to relax, reread last month’s awesome issue, and we should have the June Issue for you over the weekend.

It’s well worth the wait, with a fantastic novelette by Isaac Boone Davis and great short stories by Nate Depke, Ric Carter, Jon Wesick, and returning JDP favorite Robert Buswell. Not to mention our first ever poem (by Helena Ainsworth). The whole thing kicks off with the debut publication by new writer, Ricardo Angulo, who brings you an excellent tale of addiction and killer drones.

We can’t wait for you to read all of it.

(Well, okay, apparently we could wait — but only a few more days.)