Hand Rose

Bianca Blauth

“Hand Rose,” by Bianca Blauth

BIANCA BLAUTH is a self-taught illustrator on Instagram at @blauth___.

Endless Night Sky

Samuel Snoek-Brown

“Endless Night Sky,” by Samuel Snoek-Brown

SAMUEL SNOEK-BROWN is the production editor for Jersey Devil Press. He took this photo of the night sky while on a writing retreat in central Washington. Go there, or anywhere away from highways and city lights, somewhere alone out in the strange country where mysteries might lurk in the darkness of the whispering trees, and look up on some moonless night, and think about who might be looking back.

Goat with Boy

Gimal Udara

“Goat with Boy,” by Gimal Udara

GIMAL UDARA is a graphic designer and YouTuber from Eheliyagoda, Sri Lanka.