Sophomoric Philosophy

So you’ve read all the books by Jersey Devil Press by now, right? And you’re all caught up on our epic Anniversary Invitational issue, yeah? But you’re still hankering for something else to read?

Then check out Sophomoric Philosophy by contributor Victor David Giron, currently on pre-order through Curbside Splendor.

Sophomoric Philosophy is the story of Alejandro Lopez, a thirty-something first generation Mexican-American who is struggling with his direction in life. Navigating the realities of women, work, and his Mexican identity, he still can’t let go of his interests and the childhood philosophy he and his friends discussed in the streets and backyard parties of suburban Chicago.

You can read excerpts here, or watch the trailer here!

Sophomoric Philosophy is due out November 16. Victor’s an awesome guy; the book won’t be anything less than that.