Last Call for Lovecraft

Good news. Thanks to a man named Deadeye Dick we have fulfilled our longstanding goal of finding a Cthulhu mythos story with dick jokes. Thanks, Deadeye.

Deadeye Dick’s contribution is just one of many amazing stories to grace the pages of our upcoming special issue in which we challenged writers to mash-up one literary style with something Lovecraftian (as Neil Gaiman so brilliantly did in “A Study in Emerald.”) So far we’ve got a weird Western, the Necronomicon on HGTV, some shit that’s just straight up scary, and Puss in Boots. That’s right, we said, “Puss in Boots,” motherfrakkers. Plus Deadeye Dick’s story.

So how cool is this issue going to be? So cool you’ll want your story in it too. And we have room for maybe one or two truly outstanding pieces, so get to the typing. Midnight on May 1st is our deadline, which leaves you two weeks to get that story finished and submitted.

Be sure to read the guidelines for “Write Lovecraft Like Neil Gaiman” first and remember: Neil Gaiman is not allowed to enter. But you are. Unless you happen to actually be Neil Gaiman, in which case, how about a ReTweet, huh?