Red Bank Rocks

Good news, true believers. If you’re in Red Bank or Asbury Park this weekend there is plenty of free JDP stuff to be had.

The amazing people at Jay & Silent Bob’s Secret Stash are headed to the Asbury Park Comic Con tomorrow and they’re taking a load of JDP samplers with them. Featuring fiction by Craig Wallwork, Chris Lettera, Ally Malinenko, and Mike Sweeney, the second JDP sampler collects a few of our favorite stories in a fun and easy (and really cheap) booklet. Be sure to snag one and force it on your friends and family. Did we mention they’re free?! Thanks as always to the excellent Mike Zapcic and Walt Flanagan at the Stash for giving these away for us.

But wait…

You can also pick up a free copy of Ryan Werner’s Shake Away These Constant Days. Jack’s Music Shoppe in Red Bank has a dozen copies in hand and ready to give to you — for free! Stop in and grab one while supplies last. (Jack’s is on Broad Street almost directly across from the Stash; copies at the front check out counter.)

Free JDP stuff!! Why? Because you deserve it.

That’s it. Let’s eat some Peeps.