Interview at Literary Lollipop

Looks like we got our act together just in time. There’s an interview with us — both of us, for once — up at the Literary Lollipop. Click here to read it.

I’m just glad we were finally able to get Monica into the conversation. She’s far more interesting than Eirik!

Speaking of more interesting than Eirik, happy 61st birthday Bruce Springsteen! We launched our magazine last year on the same day we went to one of his concerts. Clearly fate has brought us together again.

Genghis Khan Versus a Velociraptor

the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny

Genghis Khan Versus a Velociraptor was our combination book reading, play workshop, and general shindig. There was mingling and reading and free pizza and beer. And you missed it! Sucks to be you.

The whole event went down on April 24, 2010, at Shetler Studios in New York, NY. Stephen Schwegler read excerpts of his book Perhaps. and Eirik Gumeny read from Exponential Apocalypse. As well, actors Matt Reeves, Saida Cooper, Gregory Levine, and Demi Williams workshopped four plays by Eirik Gumeny — Genghis Khan Versus a Velociraptor, Urinal Cakes, Too Easy, and Better Than Flowers. You can find the scripts for the plays here, should you be so inclined. Monica Rodriguez directed the whole shebang, because she’s just that awesome.

Above artwork is by Andy Chang. Two other versions of our flyer, and a metric asston of pictures, are below!