JDP Pushcart Prize Nominations

We are as excited as rats in a donut shop to present our Pushcart Prize nominees for this year.

Here they are, in alphabetical order:

Grace Elizabeth Butler, “The Wolf Who Was Late” (fiction)

Ashley Roth, “Adolescent” (fiction)

Ezra Solway, “Birthday 10” (poem)

Joshua Storrs, “A Statue of a Crazed Horse” (fiction)

Lauren Tivey, “Zora and the Zombie” (poem)

Congratulations to Grace, Ashley, Ezra, Joshua, and Lauren, and a huge thank you to all our contributors and everyone who has submitted work to us this year. We literally wouldn’t exist without you.

And thank YOU, person reading this right now, for taking an interest in the arts and being generally awesome. Treat yourself to a donut.

Pushcart Time!

We will be launching a new issue in January, but in the meantime, please enjoy our nominations for this year’s Pushcart Prize:

Gavin Broom, “The First Week in July

Calvin Celebuski, “A Legend Is Born

Daniel Galef, “The Lady of the House

Frances Klein, “Socrates the Frog

We are thrilled to put these fantastic stories and poems up for consideration, and also to have had the opportunity to share them with you. All of the pieces are quite short, which makes them perfect for reading aloud to a weirdo you love.

Merry happy, everybody. Here’s hoping the new year brings many strange and wonderful things your way.