Poetry! This Is Your Last Warning!

Wouldn't you rather just write a poem?

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood. Down one path lay your submission to JDP’s poetry issue. Down the other, a man-eating Rancor.

Look, we can’t tell you which road to take. Everyone must make that decision for themselves. But, goddamn, man-eating Rancor, right?

And, there are only three days left (give or take) to get your poetry submission in. After that the only option really is you as Rancor appetizer while another Gamorrean Guard marinates. And who wants that?

So to recap:

Step 1: Robert Frost, Bobby Drake, Jack Frost, Iceman

Step 2: Read the poetry issue guidelines.

Step 3: Read Joss Whedon’s Wesleyan commencement speech.

Step 4: Send us your poem before midnight on Saturday.

Step 5: Don’t die horribly while being gnashed between Rancor teeth.

UPDATED: Submissions are now closed.