Zombies of Red Bank

Hi there. This is Mike, your new online editor. I know you’re busy reading the fantastic new Holiday Issue or possibly JDP friend Aidan Ryan’s letter to the French, in which he offers to help them count better.

I’m sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to let you know about something cool happening today in Red Bank, NJ. Simply put: there are going to be zombies at Kevin Smith’s comic book shop from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

Okay, so it’s possible that there won’t be actual zombies in the store and more likely they’re just exploiting The Walking Dead for commercial purposes, but who cares? The good people at Jay & Silent Bob’s Secret Stash are having a massive sale this afternoon only. 20% off when you buy $100 worth of loot.

UPDATE: Yep, actual zombies in store.

Plus, you probably have a chance of being on the Stash’s new AMC reality show just by showing up. In fact, judging by the disclaimer sign in their front window the last time I walked by, I think you’re pretty much volunteering to be on it just by walking in the joint. (Just keep that in mind if you have any outstanding warrants.)

Unfortunately, I can’t make it down there myself today, but if you stop in, be sure to tell ’em Jersey Devil Press sent ya. Because we need all the publicity we can get. (Seriously, we have like twelve Twitter followers.)

Right, I’ll see you again next week with some thoughts on Time Lords and editorial philosophy. In the meantime get back to that Holiday Issue. In fact, bring one down to the Stash.

They’re both sixty kinds of awesome.

Or as Aidan would say, soixante.