Now With Extra Ambiguity!

Just the other day you were saying to your best friend or partner or spouse or veterinarian, “When in the hell is JDP going to do an issue focused on ambiguity?”

Okay, no one in their right goram mind has ever asked that, but, well, sometimes it’s the literary magazine’s role in society to give its audience not what it wants, but what it needs.

Or, maybe we just got some really cool stories that are a bit amorphous in terms of what exactly happens and decided to throw them together into a single issue to better mess with you.

Because you loved the end of Inception when you weren’t sure if the top tipped over or not. Or the way The Thing ends without telling you definitively if the monster is in Childs or MacReady.

Yeah, I hated that too.

But I do really like the stories we’ve assembled here.

And we haven’t gone completely crazy.

There’s one with cat entrails.

Plus, a few ghosts show up toward the end.

At least, I think they do.

Read it online here or as a PDF here.

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