Sandy, Three Weeks On

We propose Bono sell limited-edition, signed Irish mullet replicas to help raise additional funds.

Back in 1984, “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” was released to raise money for drought-ravaged Ethiopia. The thing I always remember about the song is that one line where Bono (Irish mullet and all) screams, “Well, tonight thank God it’s them, instead of you.”

That always struck me as kinda harsh. Let’s thank God other people are starving instead of me? Not exactly what you want to throw on your Christmas card.

Fast forward a zillion years and I think I have a better idea of what Bob Geldoff was trying to get at with that lyric. Move my house a few miles east and, well, maybe it’s not all there any more. Maybe the kitchen was last seen around the Azores and the better part of the roof is something you need to drive two miles down the highway to find. “Be glad it wasn’t you,” might’ve been a kinder way of putting it than what Bono wound up singing.

That sentiment’s been running through my head a lot this past month. Because in towns neighboring mine and all up and down the (real) Jersey Shore, folks’ lives have been changed forever. We will rebuild, yes, but that doesn’t change the fact that what was here is gone forever. Or that there are people in JDP’s community who are spending these holidays homeless, facing a very difficult future.

So what can you do to help? Simply, um, help.

First stop: remember that thing I said about houses disappearing? Well, one of them was owned by Jon Zois. It was a 150-year-old Princess Cottage — and a big chunk of it’s gone. The damaged home graced the cover of our November Issue and on the back cover was a link to the fund set up to help Jon rebuild. You can go directly to it here.

But let’s say you’re not feeling completely altruistic and want to get something back for your good graces. May we suggest the Springsteen photo raffle being hosted by the good people over at Backstreets Magazine? This is a pretty amazing deal. Donate $25 to the Community Food Bank of New Jersey and you’re entered for a chance to win one of twenty extremely rare and exclusive photo prints, like, say, the photographer’s proof of the Nebraska cover (we’ll let the magnitude of that sink in for a moment if you’re a genuine Bruce fan). Personally I’m hoping for the shot from 1978 taken by Bruce’s girlfriend of Springsteen with the three state troopers who pulled him over for speeding — on Highway 9. (Yes, they let him off in exchange for a picture.)

Speaking of food banks…how much did Sandy suck? It actually (almost) killed one. Project Paul serves the Bayshore Community on the northern end of the Jersey Shore. In addition to providing food to local citizens in need, it also operates a thrift store in Keansburg. Unfortunately, said store (and the food pantry) were under three feet of water earlier this month. So they’re really rebuilding from scratch. Cash donations can be made via PayPal to help this important local resource get back to serving others.

Finally, there’s always that all-encompassing help-blanket known as the Red Cross. Their Sandy fund is a simple, easy way to contribute to people affected by the hurricane not only in Jersey, but all over the Mid-Atlantic region. We’re perhaps understandably focused on our home state, but we know others have been hit just as hard.

So, please help however you can, as much as you can.

Have a great Thanksgiving. And, tonight, well, you know…

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