JDP Pushcart Nominees

pushcart_cyclopsWith time’s Tupperware lid poised to seal in the last of 2016’s leftovers, we are thrillighted to share with you our Pushcart Prize nominees for this year, presented here in alphabetical order:

The Adventure of the Etheric Projection” by Pat Woods

hinky man” by Natasha Burge

Life on Mars?” by Dana Mele

Queen of the Moon” by Emery Ross

So, Below” by Jeremy Packert Burke

What You Deserve” by Tabitha Pearson

As always, it was really tough to winnow down the list to just six pieces; every issue we publish has a selection of stories and poems that impressed us so much we had to share them with the world. Congratulatory high-fives to our nominees, and heartfelt butt-bumps of thankfulness to all of our contributors, submitters, and readers. Without you, we’d just be screaming into the void (literally and metaphorically).

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