We’re Going Quarterly!

Butt, watch out for the Ass Crack Bandit . . .

Butt, watch out for the Ass-Crack Bandit.

With one hundred issues under our utility belt, we’ve decided to try the quarterly thing for a while to give some of the other literary magazines a chance to catch up.

But don’t panic, because we’re not going anywhere, and we’ve already got some great pieces lined up for our one-hundred-and-oneth issue, which will be dropping like a beet in July. (They’re slippery after you peel them, okay?)

In the meantime, follow us on the Tweeters @JDP_Magazine for sparkly treasures from the archives selected by our social media Jedi, Mike Sweeney. And we are still open for submissions, so keep sending us your scrappy misfit stories, flash, and poems!

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