The Dragon

August Donovan

I was a bloated, bored carp.
Then I thrashed up the waterfall —
and became a legend.


My face like a fierce sheep,
my ping pong ball eyes . . .
you embroider me on silk.


I soared over your battle.
You all dropped your guns to gape.
You’re welcome.


My scales glitter.
I fell in love only once,
with a bracelet.


In my cave, silence —
like sinking onto a pile
of closed books in the dark.


Spread your shoulder blades
further apart, until it hurts —
look, now you’ve got wings!

AUGUST DONOVAN grew up in downstate Illinois and earned an MFA in Creative Writing at the University of Arizona. He publishes genre fiction novels under a pseudonym, and he lives and works in Kansas City.

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