Even More Submissions

In case you missed it the other day, submissions are now open again. Please check out our full guidelines and send us what you’ve got.

But that’s not all! In an effort to update the site with new content more than once a month, we’re also instituting two new features:

The First 22 will involve a series of short stories set in the Exponential Apocalypse universe prior to the events of the book, written by Eirik and updated whenever he’s got a finished story that doesn’t suck.

Brilliant Disguise, on the other hand, is open to everyone. We’re looking for stories inspired by the lyrics of Bruce Springsteen. We’re going to be a bit more lenient with tone and style, but submissions need to be under 1,000 words. Full guidelines are here.

So there you go. More reasons to read, but, more importantly, even more reasons to write. We’ll be waiting patiently by our inbox.

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