Perhaps I will!

The always lovely and magnanimous folks at Fandomania went for the hat trick and reviewed Perhaps., by Stephen Schwegler!

If I had to use one word to describe this book, it would be “quirky.” Schwegler has sought to use the world around us and give it a slant. With appearances by intelligent squirrels, talking food, and even Jesus, the range of story subjects will make you look at reality in a new way.

I found it a relaxing way to end my day, as I gave my mind time to decompress and realize that the world around us is indeed full of things that just don’t make a lot of sense. But we push on and persevere.

You can find the whole review here. It’s also worth nothing that the reviewer, Kimberly Lynn Workman, is a certified genius. So, you know, you should listen to her.

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