Something in the Night

I’m gonna go ahead and declare this National Mike Sweeney Week. He’s pulling double duty, sitting in at Our Band Could Be Your Lit and breaking in our Brilliant Disguise feature.

I look down the avenue to where the Palace used to stand, the one beyond which hemi-powered drones once famously screamed. I had my first date there. We played skee ball. Her name was even Wendy.

Now, Mike will be the first to tell you “Something in the Night” wasn’t 100% inspired by a single Springsteen lyric. But it’s rife with quotes and allusions to Jersey’s favorite son so we’re gonna take it. And, given this story about the Boss dropping in unannounced during a recent Asbury Show, it may very well hold some sway over the man himself. I know I wouldn’t doubt it. Sweeney’s just that good.

P.S. You should really send Ryan Werner a suggestion for OBCBYL while you’re in this musical state of mind. He’d love to hear from you.

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