Short, Fast and Furry

As today is, apparently, Groundhog’s Day, I thought I’d write a little something to commemorate the holiday:

Once upon a time there was a groundhog. He woke up, bright and early, scurried his way outside of his tree trunk, poked his head around and was startled to see his own shadow. He turned to run back inside, waving his furry little ass in the air, but was immediately beaten to death with a shovel by the entire Northeast because fuck you, groundhog. Don’t you dare threaten six more weeks of winter. Seriously, fuck all this snow.

Thank you. Thankfully the actual Punxatawny Phil didn’t see his shadow and was thus spared a brutal end.

Speaking of writing that’s short, fast, and deadly, though, Short, Fast and Deadly has released their 2010 anthology, entitled Deadlier Than Thou. You can find it here in both dead tree and (free) magic digital formats. Edited by Joseph Quintela, the anthology features short, short fiction by JDP contributors Eirik Gumeny, Stephen Schwegler, Jack Frey, and Kenyon Ledford, as well as, like, a hundred other fine authors. OK, maybe fifty. It was early and we didn’t actually count.

And speaking of Ken Ledford, don’t forget that the February issue of Jersey Devil Press is now online. It came out last week, but that was technically January, so it’s only fair that we remind you again, now, in February. Which it is. What with that groundhog and everything.

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