The First Apocalypse

It’s Wednesday and that means new content here on Jersey Devil Press. Which, in hindsight, we never actually announced, so let’s do that. New content every Wednesday on Jersey Devil Press, with new issues the last Wednesday of every month. And, if for some reason we don’t have something new, we’ll recycle older stuff or link somewhere else. There will be stuff to read is the point.

Anyway, this week it’s “By Any Other Clock,” by Eirik Gumeny, the first of The First Twenty-Two, a series of short stories set in the EA universe prior to the events of the novel.

It had been fifteen solid minutes since anyone’s phone had last rung. Even the guy Jorge had been keeping on hold had hung up. The entire customer service department was beginning to get worried. But, more than that, they were bored. Fifteen minutes in a call center is an eternity by any other clock.

Read the whole thing here, or refresh yourself on Exponential Apocalypse here first.

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