Million Writers Award

It’s officially March now, so let us remind you that our March issue is online and begging to be read.

Speaking of March and things you need to read, it’s storySouth Million Writers Award nomination time. This year, we split up the nominations, each of us picking one story, instead of communally choosing. Don’t know that it made a difference, though. I think these three stories would have been at the top of everyone’s list. In any event, here we go:

Monica’s nomination: “That Was Called Love” by Chloe Caldwell
Steve’s nomination: “The Pragmatist” by Hilary Gan
Eirik’s nomination: “Captain Neptunium and Lady U-boat” by Mike Sweeney

And, as always, individual readers can nominate their own favorites that the editors might have missed. Because three is just too damn small a number.

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