You Can Look (But Adam Lucas Better Not Touch)

We’ve got a new Brilliant Disguise story for you this week: “My Mother’s Bra Size,” by Adam Lucas, based on the lyric Yesterday I went shopping, buddy, down to the mall from Springsteen’s “You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch).”

We were sitting in the food court at the mall when she made this observation. A short, pudgy guy, probably twenty years old, was standing in line with his mother, trying to buy a slice of pepperoni from Sbarro. His mother was even shorter than him, top-heavy, looked a little bit like Yoda.

Out of nowhere Darley said, “I’d like to sleep with him.”

Short, funny, and kinda dirty? We’ll take it. And it’s true to the spirit of the original song. Seriously, you ever read the full lyrics to “You Can Look…?” Bruce isn’t as clean cut as most people think.

Don’t forget, we’re always looking for more Brilliant Disguise submissions. You can check out the full guidelines here and try and add yourself to our growing ranks.

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