A Few Things

One: If you somehow missed it last week, Issue Nineteen is now available for your reading and downloading pleasure. Feel free to laud the authors in an exaggerated fashion, as a lack of ego-stroking is one of the main causes of writer’s block. Or maybe it’s just nice. I don’t know; I’m not a doctor.

Two: There are two new reviews of Exponential Apocalypse out there on the internets, one at Dazed Rambling and the other at eclectic/eccentric. Please read responsibly. To the best of our knowledge no one has lost their shit in the comments and we’d like to keep it that way.

Three: We’ve got at least the next two issues in the chamber, and Monica and I are going to be busy the next few weeks, so we’re going to close submissions at midnight on April 15th. We’ll be reopening them on June 1st, probably with some changes. We’ll let you know. In the meantime, write until your hands cramp.

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