About to Get Our Asses Raptured

Credit: Lord Jim / Flickr Creative Commons

In case you missed it, we announced our newest title — Danger_Slater’s Love Me — on Wednesday. All that hard work may have been for naught, though, as the world’s apparently going to end on Saturday. Go figure.

Thankfully, the apocalypse is kind of our thing. And since we’re all about to get our asses Raptured, we figured we’d do our part to help you understand what was about to go down. As such, we humbly offer to you all the stories we’ve published tagged “end of the world,” including personal favorite M.R. Lang’s “You and Me and the End of the World” and the incredibly timely “A Discourse on the Impending Apocalypse” by Aidan Ryan.

Read up, prepare, and then send us a postcard from the afterlife. As for us, we’ve got some post-apocalypse looting to get ready for.

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