Submissions Now Open

All right, let’s do this. Submissions to Jersey Devil Press are now open. You know the rules — and if you don’t, they’re right here — so get writing. Monica, Steve, and I are waiting with bated breath.

Also, and this is kind of important, we are now using Submishmash to handle submissions. It’s free, shiny and it makes our lives easier. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

To get a feel for what we want, check out our newest issue or our archives. We’d like to think you’re already reading JDP, but, if you’re not, lie to us.

P.S. To the handful of you who submitted stories while we were closed — despite our telling you, in bold print, not to — feel free to try again. As much as we’d like to hold a grudge, we deleted the e-mails and we don’t remember your names. At the very least, please update your Duotrope stats. You’re kind of making us look bad.

As always, thank you to everyone who makes their way here, even accidentally. Whether you read us regularly, submit to us occasionally, follow the rules or don’t, we appreciate that of the eight billion web pages available to you, you stuck around for at least a few clicks.

One thought on “Submissions Now Open

  1. Esteemed editors,
    Thanks for the quick if disappointing response to my story “Donors.” As you point out, selecting a story for publication is very much a matter of taste. Evidently, I haven’t quite crafted a story that satisfies yours. Unexpected death notwithstanding, there is always tomorrow.
    My only concern is in regard to your comment that my story is approximately 250 words too long. I believe that to be true only if one includes the biographical information at the end. Stripped of that fascinating bit of information, the story itself weighs in at a muscular 4275, over the limit to be sure, but somewhat less offensive, I hope.
    I shall begin my diet tomorrow.
    Best wishes for continued success.
    Joseph Cavano(

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