LOVE ME On Sale Tomorrow

the world's most flammable novelLove Me, the world’s most flammable novel, by Danger_Slater, the world’s most flammable writer, goes on sale tomorrow!

Buy the paperback from Amazon or a digital copy from Smashwords. Yes, Love Me will be available on other sites, but we are kindly requesting you focus your book-buying efforts on these sites. If enough people buy copies on the same day, the sales ranking will go up, in turn bringing it to the attention of more people, who will in turn buy more copies, which will in turn bring the sales ranking even higher, ad infinitum, until Danger becomes the world’s most famous writer and Amazon explodes from the sheer volume of work it has to do. It’s win/win! Unless you’re Amazon, in which case exploding would probably be bad.

Anyway, Love Me. Read an excerpt here, join the Facebook group here, then get your credit cards ready. For tomorrow we buy!

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