LOVE ME Now On Sale!

the world's most flammable novelOh my God, it’s finally happening! Love Me, the world’s most flammable novel, by Danger_Slater, the world’s most flammable writer, IS NOW ON SALE!

Buy the paperback from Amazon! Buy a Kindle copy! Buy some other kind of digital copy from Smashwords! Do it now! NOW!

I know what you’re thinking: Why should I buy it NOW? Why not tomorrow? I’m used to being left out and, in fact, being so out of touch with what was awesome and popular molded me into who I am today! If I wasn’t a social pariah in my youth, I wouldn’t be such a well-rounded person with such a hot girlfriend!

Well, that’s all fine and good, but this isn’t your youth. You’re an adult now and not buying Love Me is not going to mold you into a better person. There’s no more molding to do! Buy it now or your friends and colleagues will laugh at you and stop inviting you to lunch. You love lunch! Buy Love Me today!

If you’re one of those people who doesn’t blindly buy what the internet tells you to, then you should read an excerpt of Love Me here and then buy it. It’s probably the responsible thing to do.

Make sure to join the Facebook group here and tell Danger all about how awesome he is. I have it on good authority that if you don’t, he’ll be forced to beat himself.

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