LOVE ME Still On Sale!

the world's most flammable novelLove Me, the world’s most flammable novel, by Danger_Slater, the world’s most flammable writer, IS STILL ON SALE!

Buy the paperback from Amazon! Buy a Kindle copy! Buy some other kind of digital copy from Smashwords! Do it now! NOW!

If for some reason you don’t trust the word of the publisher when it comes to telling you what books to buy, then you should read an excerpt of Love Me and then buy it. That way we’re all happy.

Once you’ve ordered your copy, join the Facebook group and tell Danger all about how awesome he is. If you’ve somehow managed to read the book already, tell him about how awesome it is. Then go back to Amazon or Smashwords and leave comments telling everyone how awesome it is! And if you didn’t think it was awesome, lie. Or at least make it sound like it’s your fault you didn’t like it and not the book’s.

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