Issue Twenty-Three Redux

may the force be with youI know we’ve been busy hyping the crap out of Danger_Slater’s Love Me (available now!) but that doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten about our bread and butter. Or, you know, our monthly issue, if you’re not on a strict 50s’ movie prison diet.

You can read the online version here or download the .pdf here. And you should. It’s pure reading bliss.

We’ve got four new stories, including the haunting “Exposure,” by Claire Joanne Huxham, the allegorical “The Toad and the Butterfly,” by RCJ Graves, the transformational “Pentecostal,” by Lauren J. Barnhart, and the extra-strength, long-lasting “CPA of the Sith,” by Mike Sweeney.

It’s a shorter issue than most, but that’s because we didn’t need five stories this month. The above stories are so God damned good that a fifth story would’ve made your head explode from sheer joy. And we didn’t want that. Head explosions are messy.

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