Two Years, Suckas!

Hello and welcome to the twenty-fourth, and last, monthly issue of Jersey Devil Press. That’s right, we’re going quarterly from here on out.

When I started JDP, I told myself I’d give it two years. And while I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, it’s also taken up a lot more time than I thought it would. Time that I – we, all three of us – have less and less of nowadays. So rather than force ourselves to finish twelve issues a year, we figured easing off a bit on the journal part would be the best thing for Jersey Devil Press. And for us. The last thing we want to do is get completely burnt out and close up shop.

That said, if anyone’s interested in signing on as a reader or taking over as editor of the online journal, let us know.

But this is not a time for being maudlin. This is a time for the September issue, with vikings, llamas, and space Nazis. Oh my.

We start with, as Stephen Schwegler put it, “the saddest story I’ve ever read that had ‘balls’ in the title,” also affectionally known as “Where Did My Balls Go? or, The Story of Oliver: A Canine Memoir,” by Shannon Derby. Next is the writer free-for-all “Colony,” by Samuel Snoek-Brown, followed by Christian A. Larsen’s “Projekt Gesichtskreis,” the aforementioned, and incredibly hard-hitting, story of astronauts and Nazis. After that is Rowdy Geirsson’s essay on the modern-day Viking movement, “Fear and Loathing in Western Sweden.” And bringing up the rear is Vincent Purita’s tale of alpacas, drugs, and idiot hipsters, “We Love Lucy.”

Have at it. Online issue is here and the .pdf can be downloaded here.

See you in December.

Or, you know, before that. What with the books and the Brilliant Disguises and the First Twenty-Twos and all.

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