A Very Special Message from Danger_Slater

the world's most flammable novelI know everyone reading this bought my book already because you’re all fantastic, good-looking, generous people, RIGHT? That’s why I need you to get your friends to pick up a copy too. And when you’re done with that, get your friend’s friends to pick one up as well. And your friend’s friend’s friends. And your friend’s friend’s friend’s friends. But not your friend’s friend’s friend’s friend’s friends, because they’re a bunch of a-holes.

Thanks again for the support everybody. I owe you all.

Love, Danger Slater

Love Me on Amazon.com. Click it, buy it, read it, love it.

One thought on “A Very Special Message from Danger_Slater

  1. As a Jersey writer myself and former librarian, just want to mention that you should contact NJ libraries about your book. I have found them to be very supportive.

    Jacqueline Seewald
    A DEVIL IN THE PINES, Afton Publishing
    STACY’S SONG, NJ YA fiction
    Kim Reynolds NJ mystery series, most recent, THE TRUTH SLEUTH

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