Meet the New Boss

It is with pride and delight and other emotions I’m somehwat unfamiliar with that I announce to you that, starting in January 2012, the indomitable, unstoppable Mike Sweeney will be taking over as Online Editor of Jersey Devil Press. He’ll be making the final calls on content and helping to guide JDP on into the future.

But that’s not all! Helping Mike in his quest to create the best damn magazine on the internet, Samuel Snoek-Brown will be starting as Production Editor, making sure each issue looks at least as sexy as the last. Laura Garrison and Carol Deminski will continue as Readers, lending their eyes and opinions to the slush pile and winnowing it down into something less slushy. And Stephen Schwegler will keep on Schweglering, reading and lending a hand and making sure the plants don’t dry out.

Check out the new and improved About Us page for all their sordid details.

As for myself, I’m taking a back seat for a while. It’s been fun, but two straight years of doing all of the above takes it out of you. I need a little break.

Thankfully, though, Mike and Sam and Carol and Laura and Steve don’t. Which is why it is with great pleasure that I’m also announcing the return of Jersey Devil Press to a monthly format! Mike saw straight through my quarterly bluff and was all like, hell no, man. And I was like, but I’m tired, bro. And he was like, no way, dude. And I was like, way. And he was like, well, OK, fine then, I’ll do it myself! And here we are.

Where we also are is a little more than two weeks away from the holiday issue! Holy crap, you’re saying. That’s not much time! And you’re right. But don’t worry. This year we’re writing it ourselves. Consider it our gift to you.

So, to reiterate: new staff, we’re going monthly again, holiday issue. It’s a November miracle.

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