Mantle of the Devil

So it’s almost Thanksgiving, the one day of the year when my extended family gathers to stare awkwardly at the ground before looking at me and saying, “So? Still writing?”

And this year I’ll be able to say, “Yep. Editing, too.”

Since the news first broke that I was taking over as Online Editor of Jersey Devil Press, many people (okay, almost no one) have been asking me how my editorial philosophy will differ from that of my predecessor.

And the answer is…hopefully, not very much.

When Neil Gaiman wrote his episode of Doctor Who he was asked what it was like to write for the Eleventh Doctor and he basically said, he didn’t write for the Eleventh Doctor. He just wrote for The Doctor. There’s only one.

I kind of hope someday people say the same thing about the Editor of JDP. (Admittedly, they probably won’t, but stick with me for a moment.) Yes, both Eirik and I are — as far as we know — mono-hearted beings, but I like to think we both wound up here for the same reasons: because the world needs a place for stories that don’t quite fit anywhere else. And providing that goes beyond any one person. Sure, one guy might rock a really long scarf while another prefers bow ties, but ultimately the persona of editor doesn’t change that much. Maybe I might hew a bit more towards horror where Eirik went more for humor but neither of us is going to say no to a well-written family memoir that ends in a zombie massacre. That’s my point.

Your Cthulhu mythos story has dick jokes?

Your Raymond Chandler pastiche involves alien invasions?

All the other editors told you it’s not right for robots to do that in a story?

Your straight literary story is just, well, too weird?

That’s why we’re here.

And when I burn out in a year or two (or, you know, next Friday), I hope the next person to take over will be committed to same ideal: give a good home to the good shit that either doesn’t belong in the usual places or simply chooses not to fit in.

So if you want to know what I’m looking for, just check the interviews Eirik and Monica did at the beginning, like the one here or here.

Or check the excellent and extensive guidelines they drew up.

Then send me something amazing.

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