In Which We Return to Monthly Issues and I Prove I Watched Too Much Twilight Zone This Weekend

You’re about to discover that it all really does depend on your point of view.

Submitted for your approval: five stories that twist the boundaries and entangle the mind.

Old friend and founder, Eirik Gumeny, gets us started with a story that asks the age old question: who is the real monster – the zombie or the human with the baseball bat?

Next, Josh Denslow channels his inner Salinger and serves up a wonderful slice of American teen life. The boys stare at each other at the end of “Sonny Boy” but what do they really see?

Newcomer James Reinebold presents his own dilemma in “The McElroy Family Hole.” Is tradition the glue that binds a family through the generations or is insanity its own end, means, and accomplice?

We look up at the stars but what do the stars see when they look back? That’s at the heart of “Beta Geminorum” by Brian Niemeier, who’s also making his literary debut.

Finally, the great Graham Tugwell returns to the pages of JDP and asks the same essential question as Eirik: who (or what) is the real monster?

Graham’s story is called, “We Left Him with the Dragging Man.”

It gets a bit dark.

But don’t worry.

The stories on these pages can’t hurt you. They are confined to a dimension of the mind, one you’re free to visit and – unlike its occupants – able to exit at any time.

Issue 26 of Jersey Devil Press is alive. Read it online here or as a PDF here.

If you need me, I’ll be standing outside the window in the bushes, smoking a cigarette.

You know, in a cool kind of way.

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