We’re Going to Need a Bigger Henge

The Universe zigs, we zag.

Sure, tomorrow’s the Summer Solstice, a point punctuated here in Jersey by late night explosions of M80s and the impending onset of temperatures in the upper 90s.

But Jersey Devil Press? We’ve got our sights set on the Winter Solstice, because that’s the last thing anyone would expect.

Ever wonder what it’s like to be young, drunk, and staying at a hostel in Norway at the start of winter? Rijn Collins captures the experience perfectly in “The First Thing I’ll Need Is a Goat,” a wonderful little nugget from the mighty JDP archives.

We’d have thrown it up in December but according to the Mayans we’ll be knee deep in cataclysms by then.

Live for the moment, people, live for the moment.

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