July Issue Redux

"TextureX" by Coyle Parker

Fair warning, the July Issue covers some rough ground.

Asking your stepfather to behead a prophet because you’re bored? Check.

Self-mutilation in pursuit of your art? We’ve got that.

Meeting your future wife by discovering her father’s corpse? Uh-huh.

A blind woman doing something seriously unpleasant with a hot melon scoop? Unfortunately.

Honestly, when the nicest story concerns two guys beating the crap out of each other with oboes, you know you’re in for a dark ride.

And that’s before we even get to Aaron Frigard’s contribution, which probably warrants its own black box warning.

So brace yourself, this one isn’t for the faint of heart. But we think you can handle it. After all, you’re a dedicated JDP reader and that means your middle name is practically “highly inappropriate.”

(Or Robert. Maybe Beatrice. Very possibly Tiberius )

Anyway, enjoy Issue 32 of Jersey Devil Press.

Text a friend before and after reading just so they know you’re alright.

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