Your 2012 Novella Contest Winners

You’ve got a lot of reading to do, so we’ll keep this short.

The August Issue collects the winner and first runner-up from JDP’s inaugural novella contest and we couldn’t be happier with the results.

First prize went to Merdeux by Jody Giardina, a wonderful sci-fi mash-up of alien invaders, Afghan war vets, and, well, poo. The fact that Jody first had the idea for this story while actually taking a crap in Afghanistan makes it even sweeter all around.

Our runner-up is “Surface Interval” by Nick Kimbro, who’s crafted a neat little horror story that calls to mind the isolation and terror of such cinematic classics as the original Alien or John Carpenter’s The Thing. Don’t read it near the water.

That’s it. Dig in to the double-sized Issue 33 of Jersey Devil Press.

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